Six Tips to Raising Leaders- The Next Generation Z and Alpha

Hey Sunshines,

I wanted to chat with ya about raising leaders. Our children are resilient, brilliant and have taught us so much in recent years. Although this is very unfamiliar parentings to us our children are finding ways to enjoy life safely. After witnessing, my children muscle their way through the Covid era, it encouraged me to share that we are raising leaders.

They may not be able to put it all into words. But, they are demonstrating their adaptability. Here are six tips to raising Generation Z and Generation A into leaders. Studies state that Generation Z will make up 27 percent of the population by 2026, the largest generation at 82 million.


Our children must have great communications skills and that means reading more books. It means that they need to be Toast Master programs and activities that encouraging them to speak. Children need the opportunity to communicate to implement into their daily curriculum in school. Children that read books more often have a wealth of knowledge and an extensive vocabulary.


Children that are leaders have the ability to listen to details and execute. Due to all of the distractions, listening is a skill that must be taught to children, daily. Nowadays, children and adults have to practice being active listeners in order to be good problem solvers.


In 2021, children have learned to work well together in new ways, due to Covid. A great way for children to learn to collaborate was through sports but gaming has risen to the top of interest. Gaming has given children a way to work together and potentially have healthy competition. Parents can foster a positive outcome with virtual collaboration and teamwork by implementing boundaries and conservations about positive outcomes.

Children need to understand the quote, “we can far alone but we can much further together.” Kobe Bryant, ” the important thing is that your teammates have to know you are pulling for them and you really want them to be successful. Great things come from hard work and perseverance.”


“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Maya Angelou

Our children have learned from the past year about disappoints and uncertainties more than 100 generations. But, they have found a way to rise in the midst of it all. We have to take a moment daily to let them know we appreciate their bravery and resilience. Some children did not perform well in the global virtual school model, especially the academically high performers. However, we can continually reinforce their strengths and show shift their mindset to let’s get back to it and try again. “Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to being again.” Henry Ford.


As parents, we must give our children room to dream bigger. One of the mistakes parents and caretakers make is telling a child what they cannot accomplish. Even, in the film Nemo, “you can’t do that Nemo” the words of his father Marlon. We must be there to cheerlead them into their greatness. This generation of children will change the world with their audacity to dream bigger. I want to encourage you to create space and time for them to discover their brilliance. Let’s give children full permission to dream, explore and become bigger.


Raising great leaders is requires them to have compassion for humanity. Our children fully recognized that giving and sharing is a concept that will make their lives better. This generation of children is holding businesses accountable for doing good and having a broad spectrum of people on the boards. I believed Generation Z and Alpha will encourage corporations and small businesses to have more consideration for humanity. Many studies are showing that this generation wants to know you care about them and others. Therefore, the compassion they have for humanity will position them to be thought leaders.

As parents at this moment in time, it has not been an easy road for us nor a parent guide on how to raise leaders in a pandemic. However, I know our world will be better with the rise of Generation Z and Alphas. Well, yall until next time,… remember its always time to shine.

Much Love and Sunshine

This post is my opinion and perspective about raising children.

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