Influencer Marketing-How to Brand on Social Media~Parent Tips

Parenting Tips for Social Media

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Hey Sunshines,

I want to chat with ya about building your personal brand as a parent! When you become a parent, you suddenly become a role model for your children and others aspiring to be a parent. They look up to you and want to emulate everything you do. You are an influencer!

As a parent, it’s imperative to set a positive example for your children, and that includes branding yourself in a positive way. Yes, as a parent we are building our personal brand as we raise our children!

I have been able to truly add more income and adventures to our lives as a Mom Lifestyle Blogger, Microinfluencer and CEO of our multimedia family business, FEI Creative Agency, Bailey Rae Foods, and FEI Academy.

As a mom, I used to struggle with the question, “how in the world am I going to be a mom and still have a successful business, without feeling guilty?” That’s it, I will do business with my children!

Today, I have our blogs and all aspects of our family businesses with our children having ownership with us! I am guilt-free boss mom!


Parents, social media influencing could be the extra income that turns full time! We have set saving goals for my influencer income and it’s paying off! I think all parents should share on social media their loving family life. It can blessed you with opportunities of a life time! You never know, you and family maybe jet-setting to the snow to partner with a hotel!

Y’all, there are many ways to build your personal and business brand as a parent. Actively participating in social media is one of the most significant and inexpensive things you can do. You can share photos and updates of your family life with your friends and followers.

Find your niche and post positive, uplifting content. You can share tips on food or places to go with children. Your friends and family members will look to you as a role model when it comes to digital behavior.

Therefore, it’s imperative that you’re always mindful of how you sound and what you say. I have found it to be so much fun to inspire other families to just keep it real!


Parenting is fun, the deepest love that words will never be able to express, unpredictable and sometimes very messy, especially if one of your children gets a little motion sickness in the car! The day I began my mama blogging and influence, I decided I want to share not just pretty pictures with my family, all dolled up.

We share the messy part of parenting and the moments I forget my shoes! But , my kiddos are fully ready! Wes and I laugh a lot at the unpredictable every day of parenting.

Honestly, the funny moments of parenting is great content to share on social media! It truly makes people smile and feel connected to you as a parent. We all know parenting is definitely the best part of living life. The funny moments are the best of all! Like I confess, I have sock phobia! I just don’t like to match the clean socks! A frustrated mama when I can not find the mate!

Y’all it drives me bonkers but I have learned to find the humor in all the mix and match sock moments! I love creating reels that allow me to creatively don’t sweat it Mama!

For this mama, life is just not perfect and neither are me, my hubby, or my children. I have learned to just laugh and enjoy the imperfectly perfect parenting moments!


Truthfully, all my wonderful brand collaborations have expressed that they love how I am authentic and share the real truth about mom life. There is room for you to build your business and personal brand with your family! That’s the kinda thing that will inspire so many!

It’s also smart to build your digital presence using other social networks. Find the right platforms and build an audience around your parenting style. There are many different ways to be a parent, so find the digital channels that best represent you and your family.

I have a Facebook community, Raising Greatness and Mighty Networks, Fearless Entrepreneurs. Parenting and building a business have similarities, both, require our full attention. As a mom, I know moms who have businesses and understand the level of determination that is required to be successful at home and the office.


In the Raising Greatness and Fearless Entrepreneur communities, I love the way parents support each other and build friendships.

Another effective way to build your brand as a parent is to get involved in your local community. Volunteer at events, or start your own parenting group on social media. The more involved you are, the more people will look to you as a leader, and the more your digital presence will grow.

You can also build your personal brand as a parent by starting your own blog or website. I truly believe blogging is a great form of media to inform, entertain, or both!

You are welcome to join our Fearless Entrepreneur community to meet other the bloggers, cross promote or simply by among people who understand the blogger media world! To learn more about becoming a parent blogger, you can read this post to help you further explore blogging as a possible business.


Y’all, make sure there’s over-quality content on every page, and always respond to comments and emails from readers. If people engage with you often enough, they’ll start calling you an expert on parenting, major online social influence, and your personal brand will be solidified. Be sure to have fun and make beautiful memories!


There are many ways to build your digital presence as a parent, but the one thing you should not do is post anything embarrassing. Respectfully, I choose not to post my children or my husbands blushing moments, but I certainly share my crazy moments in light relatable way! As parents, we are the role models for our children. We want our digital footprints to make them feel proud and grateful, always.

But, I want my children to know I am human~ I cry, laugh, get flustered, feel down from time to time but I get up and find a way to keep on smiling and walking sunshine! I want my children, hubby, family, friends and my followers to know we are all resilent and just because your car has no crumbs, doesn’t mean I am not a great parent because mine has enough crumbs for smorgasbord! I, honestly, believe in just living now and remember my children are growing up and one day they will have their own lives doing their own thing and I will reminisce on the crumb moments and smile!

So y’all most significant thing to remember is that branding yourself as a parent is all about being authentic. Your brand is how you show up online and in person. Your brand is how you treat people and how you make them feel. Be yourself, and be proud of the decisions you are making toward expanding and enhancing your brand for decades with your family.

As your digital presence grows, you’ll start to see more and more people looking up to you as a role model. And that’s a title you can wear with pride and honor.

When you become a parent, you build a digital brand around your parenting style. The more active you are online, the more people will look to you as a role model and digital leader.

There are many different social media platforms to help parents grow their personal brands. One of the most effective ways is to start sharing positive family updates on social media networks, such as Facebook and Instagram. Once your digital presence builds momentum, you’ll find that other parents in your community want to connect with you about parenting issues. This can help build your digital brand even further.

It’s also helpful to be active in your offline community by being involved in local events or starting a parent meet-up group on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Mighty Network. People will start calling you an “expert,” and that digital praise will serve as a form of digital marketing for you and your brand.


One last tip to help build your digital brand as a parent is to start your own blog or website. Make sure there’s over-quality content on every page, and always respond to comments and emails from readers. If people engage with you often enough, they’ll start calling you an expert on parenting, and your digital presence will transform into a personal brand before your eyes.

The digital world has millions of eyes peering into every corner of the internet, so don’t make yourself an easy target by posting things you’ll regret later! If there’s one thing I’ve learned about digital marketing and branding myself as a parent, it’s this; be careful what you put online and on audio apps because once it’s there, you can never take it back. Thank you for reading! For more information on digital marketing, please visit our website and contact us today! Well until next time……..

Much Love and Sunshine,


  1. Ashleigha
    / 12:43 pm

    Oh my! This blessed me sooo so much! Thankyou for paving the way and giving language to other moms like me! For years I have been feeling guilty for running the business and feeling as if it Im neglecting the little people. Which is what bought me to you as my coach/mentor! You literally hit the nail on the head with this one. Thankyou for being in position and thanks for sharing!

    • / 11:48 pm

      Hello Ashleigha! thank you and we are so happy to hear that this blog was helpful to you! We enjoy having you in class!

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