NH Tutoring Review

New Horizon Computer Learning Center


Thank you New Horizons Tutoring for sponsoring this post and a wonderful experience. 

Hey Sunshines,

My three children have learned a new way of going to school.  They have adapted to a distance learning format.  The education of children, at least in most of California, has shifted to an virtual learning style for now. There is a great concern about our children sustaining a rigorous education. NH Tutoring is striving to be apart of the solution.

Our children are all different ages and stages of childhood.  Yet, they all feel the same about wanting more support with their academics in various subjects.

Frankly, we were feeling the same as many parents maybe feeling about their children’s education.  

We wanted to find a way for our children to have additional academic support with their overall skills. 

New Horizon Tutoring was referred to me by a friend who spoke highly of their program in the Los Angeles area.  

Therefore, I thought it would be great for our youngest child, Bailey who is a fourth grader to attend.

NH Tutoring offered me free online courses for my honest opinion  about their program.

As a mother and teacher, I know fourth grade has some mathematical challenges that I wanted to give Bailey ahead start on comprehending.  

She attended NH Tutoring online with a tutor in a small group setting.  Bailey worked on her division skills and loved it!  

I thought for sure she would complain about having to take one more class online. 

But, she expressed pure joy and excitement after the first session.  Matter of fact, Bailey wanted me to sign her up for more classes.  

What  is NH Tutoring? 

NH Tutoring is a an online program located in  Anaheim, California.  They have been in business since 1982.  

They understand that technology can be an excellent tool to advance children’s learning. 

NH Tutoring have been implementing creative and innovative ways to engage children online for decades.

They are on a mission to minimize the negative impact on children in our peculiar times in the world. 

The staff of NH Tutoring are parents and educators. They have a vast amount experience in the area of education and technology. 

They seem to fully understand how important it is to implement and offer affordable online tutoring to all children regardless of their grade level and ability.


What I liked about the program was that they made her feel  comfortable. 

If she did not understand a step, in the math concepts, they worked with her until she mastered it. 

The tutor was very engaged with the children and I truly liked that the most. They were open to work all academic subject matters that the children needed. 

NH Tutoring took the time to get to know Bailey Rae and learn her interest. They used her interest to guide her learning.  

They had me complete a survey about our child, before the first session to further align Bailey’s needs. 

At the end of the sessions, the tutor emailed me a progress sheet and what they covered in the forty-five minute sessions.

In my academic opinion, they are taken extra steps to make it interesting and empowering for the children.   

Bailey loved playing pictionary with her group. The group was small . It was a 4:1 ratio and 2:1 ratio. In online learning, smaller groups have proven to be highly beneficial. 

Also, it helps our children to still have a connection with their traditional school setting. The children can engaged virtually during the session. 

It enables the children to have a different structure from 1:1 tutoring. In the group, they can interact with their peers as they learned and review various concepts for deeper understanding. 

Based on our family experience, I believe that NH Tutoring would be an asset to all grade level children  to obtain support or enhance their academic skills.

NH Tutoring is on the front line with parents and their children to support them raising greatness. 

For that, I salute NH Tutoring with their commitment to support our children of tomorrow.   Until next time….

Much Love and California Sunshine,

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